As Told by Alexis
As a partner, Josh is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always finding ways to make my day better or do something to make me smile. Not to be too mushy, but he is my absolute favorite person and never ceases to make me laugh.
He is also incredibly goofy, pesty, and caring. It is not beyond him to drop what he is doing to help babysit a friends child or find a missing dog with a neighbor. Along that same line, its very likely to find him in the kitchen singing (off key) while doing the dishes or burst into a silly dance.
In addition, Josh is an amazingly hard worker. During Covid, he was able to start his own business of dog grooming. He absolutely loves being able to work with others pets everyday and has the added perk of making his own hours. His clients are great at rescheduling when something comes up, giving him a lot of flexibility in work. He is kind of a "jack of all trades", which is great for projects around the house!
He was partially adopted as a child (bio mom, adopted dad) and his dad really helped mold him to be who he is. He makes the best dog dad as well! He also comes from a huge family with more than 60 first cousins and currently 8 nieces and nephews. Plus our "found family" and their kiddos.
Josh is a huge fan of the outdoors. If he can go camping, hiking, or fishing he is down to join in on the fun. One of his favorite things is the family reunion we do every year which is a week of camping with the extended family.

As Told by Josh
Alexis is the most supportive person. Patient and understanding. Her love of family and friends has no end. She loves to go camping, swimming, and play board games. She is also a fabulous cook.
She works as a DME supervisor, managing a team of people who love her almost as much as I do. She is passionate about her work and puts her all into everything she does. She has done a myriad of different careers over the years before settling on the medical field. Some of my most memorable of her jobs, were Upstart where they sent her to very rural areas to provide online preschool setup to help with Americas literacy rate. She also spent years working as a nanny for a few families. One of which she was the nanny from the time the children were 8 years old til they were adults. She is still in contact with many of these kids she used to watch.
Alexis always has a smile, a hug, or a shoulder to offer anyone. Her empathy knows no bounds. She also has taught me so, so much about communicating. She does a good job making sure she is clear or keeping in touch with friends and family in our lives. She even talks to my sister more than I do!
I have known her so long that I have been able to see her grow from teen to college student to successful career woman. From living at home to living with family to renting to owning a home. Its been my privilege to be able to learn and grow with her every step of the way and I cannot wait to see her in the role of mom! She is great with kids personally and professionally and I am basically a big kid myself sometimes, so I know she will excel at this too.

Bestest Boy Ever!
We rescued Jax in 2013 from a local adoption. We were not planning to add a pet yet, but the second he climbed into Alexis' lap, we knew he was meant to be ours. Jax has made moves into many different homes with us, its hard to remember a time he wasn't around being our best friend. He is the sweetest dog ever (and we see a lot of dogs at our house)!
Jax's favorite thing in the world is kids. He gets so excited but also knows he is bigger than them and will shrink himself as small as possible to play with them. Next to that his favorite thing is probably to take moms pillow.
He is silly and loving. We also call him the "sleepy time dog" because he cuddles so intensely that you fall asleep with him. He is just that magic. He is so smart that he potty trained himself, knows how to walk off leash, and has trained our other dogs.

Ginny joined our family through an adoption in 2016. A family member had gotten her before life took a turn and they were unable to keep her. We of course took this sweet girl in. Jax was thrilled to have a new best friend.
Ginny is the most independent dog either of us have ever owned. She does things on her own time and makes it very clear when you are wrong or she needs something. She is very expressive by "talking to us". Going for an "R-I-D-E" or "W-A-L-K" is probably her favorite thing, but you have to spell it or she knows what you are talking about.
She has had 2 litters of puppies while with us, hence the nickname "Mama". We still see all of her puppies when we can and she continues to mother them. She is our most treat motivated dog and taught herself how to dance specifically to try to earn cookies. And in case you forget, she will even show you where the treats are stored.

Baby Girl
Penny is the baby of Ginny's first litter of puppies. She was born into a litter of 6 girls in 2019. We like to joke that she was custom made for us since she fits so perfectly. She would like to think she is in charge, but she really isn't. She just loves to be the center of attention.
Like her mom, Penny is very talkative. She uses grunts, sneezes, and grumbles to tell us what she thinks. She can also out snore even Josh. Her favorite thing in the world is to look out of our big bay window in the living room and watch what is going on outside. She is an excellent guard dog, even though she only weighs 15 lbs.
She definitely lives up to her name sake because like on the Big Bang Theory, we typically call her name 3x to get her to come inside. She loves to be outside, regardless of the weather.