Alexis here and I've got a lot of thoughts and feelings on this. If this isn't a topic you like, please feel free to skip this post. However as a woman I have to say how I feel on this.
I am completely saddened that the US government has decided to overturn this and push women's rights back to 1973. When I talk to people about this, they think that because I cannot have children naturally that I would be happy about this. They are under the impression that this will lead to an increase in children available to adopt. EVEN if that is the case, I don't think that desperation because your government has removed all other options is going to be safe. People will do what they need to do and its only going to cause an increase in back alley terminations. All we have done here is once again take away a woman's ability to choose for herself about her own body.
To those facing really difficult decisions in the future, regardless of how the need to make that decision came around, I'm sorry you are in this position. I support your right to choose. I support your need to travel to take care of your health. I support your decision that you need to make for you. Should you choose to carry that child to turn, I support you in keeping them. I support you in adoption- open or closed. I support your termination. And as weird as this is, a listening ear is around to bounce ideas off of.
Sorry for the tangent and the non adoption content but this makes me sad and very worried. What else will they take away? Am I going to need my husbands permission to access our bank account? Will I lose the right to vote or to drive? We teach children bodily autonomy, why is it so different for adults? I hate this more than I have words for.
Roe v Wade Discussion